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Current Issues:
Blending Facility? What's that?

In the next few weeks, you may notice some changes taking place in the Preserve along the south side of Trinity Blvd. A blending facility, to be built by Pinellas County Utilities as specified by Tampa Bay Water, will be located on Preserve property. The purpose of this facility is to mix groundwater from well fields in Pasco and Pinellas Counties with water from upland storage areas in Hillsborough County and desalination plants, when available. Even though water is water, water from different sources contains different types and amounts of minerals and chemicals. To avoid unstable conditions, water from the various sources must be blended together, stabilized, and treated before being released for public consumption.

This facility has been planned for many years and comes as no surprise to the Friends. Although the Friends do not want even one square inch of the Preserve to become anything but more natural, we understand the importance and necessity of this feature. The site of the facility was chosen with the aid of Preserve biologists to have the least amount of impact on natural systems. The footprint of the facility was made as small as possible, and the facility itself will be shielded from public view for the most part by existing trees and a berm. We met with Mr. Pick Talley, Director of Pinellas County Utilities, who shared with us site plans and aerial photography with the site and wetlands depicted. He assured us that every precaution will be taken to ensure environmental preservation of the surrounding area, and that communication with us always will be open and honest. We were pleased with the site plan and thank Mr. Talley for his detailed presentation at this meeting.

Position Statement:
Four Lakes Hammock at Brooker Creek Preserve

Background understanding of the Board of Directors:

1.The Four Lakes Hammock Property is located between East Lake Road, Trinity Boulevard, and the Pinellas-Pasco County line.

2. Due to the property’s location, it is isolated from the remaining parts of Brooker Creek Preserve.

3.The property was bought using a Florida Communities Trust (FCT) Grant. This grant had certain provisions regarding the required development of the property. The following facilities are required per the FCT Grant:

    a. Fitness Trail
    b. Boardwalk
    c. Hiking Trail
    d. Fishing Decks
    e. Parking
    f. Picnic Areas
    g. Restrooms
    h. Restoration Area
    i. Landscaped Area

    4. In addition to the above listed facilities, the site plan for Four Lakes Hammock includes:

    a. An asphalt drive extended to the camping area
    b. Grass paver canoe/kayak launch on northern most pond
    c. Outdoor showers, sinks and cleanup area added to restroom
    d. Primitive group camping

5. The property is an important link in the Anclote-Brooker Creek Corridor project.

6. The property contains the following natural and man-made features: oak hammock, cypress swamp, pine flatwoods, open/disturbed lands, borrow pits, an abandoned railroad, a semi-improved roadway and invasive species.

7. Areas of the property have been significantly altered from their natural state, thus degrading the ecological value of these areas.

8. Certain activities, which might otherwise not be compatible with the Preserve, are compatible due to the low ecological quality of portions of the property.

9. The Friends believe that a balance between recreational opportunities and land protection is essential to protect the Preserve’s plant and animal life.

10. The Friends define passive recreation as those activities requiring little use of physical facilities, that do not have a detrimental impact on the environment, and which emphasize an interaction with nature. Appropriate activities include, but are not limited to hiking, picnicking, walking, jogging, canoeing, bird watching, nature photography and fishing.

11. The Friends believe that passive recreational activities, when located, designed, and regulated properly, are appropriate in the Brooker Creek Preserve.

12. The Friends fully support Chapter 90, Article II. Environmental Lands, of the Pinellas County Code of Ordinances and believe that any activity in the Brooker Creek Preserve must at least meet the following two criteria:

    a. Any activity in Brooker Creek Preserve must be consistent with the intent of Chapter 90, Article II. Environmental Lands, of the Pinellas County Code of Ordinances and the management principles, objectives, and actions of the Brooker Creek Preserve Land Management Plan.

    b. Any activity will not have an adverse impact upon the resources of the Brooker Creek Preserve.  Adverse impact means actual or potential harm or injury to the animal or plant life within the preserves or management areas, or to the property managed by the environmental lands division caused by any activity. ( Ch. 90, Article II., Section 90-102 of the Pinellas County Code of Ordinances)

13. After reviewing the site plan, the Friends believe that:

a. The site plan is consistent with Chapter 90, Article II. Environmental Lands, of the Pinellas County Code of Ordinances and the management principles, objectives, and actions of the Brooker Creek Preserve Land Management Plan

b. There will be no (or minimal) adverse impacts to the property.

The Friends support the site plan for the Four Lakes Hammock because of the above principles and statements. Specific reasons included: the low ecological quality of portions of the property, the required FCT grant improvements, the consistency with Chapter 90, Article II. Environmental Lands, of the Pinellas County Code of Ordinances, the consistency with the Brooker Creek Preserve Land Management Plan and the isolated location of the property from other Preserve lands.

Therefore, the Friends of Brooker Creek Preserve endorse the Four Lakes Hammock site plan (Exhibit A) assuming the following conditions:

  1. Four Lakes Hammock will be the only location of camping in the Preserve and it will be limited to non-profit group camping and subject to the attached rules and regulations created by the Division Administrator of the Environmental Lands Division. (Exhibit B)
  2. No precedent will be created for other parts of Brooker Creek Preserve relating to activities conducted on the Four Lakes Hammock property.
  3. Activities/improvements not considered passive will not be expanded on the property.

Friends of Brooker Creek Preserve
3620 Fletch Haven Drive
Tarpon Springs FL 34688
(727) 934-2680

E mail The Friends

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Last Updated September 2005